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Herzlich Willkommen bei Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung Privatpraxis in Bonn.


Business Coaching
Personal Coaching
Psychological Guidance

phone: +49 (0)228-9652128
mail: julius@mj-beratung.com

As business and personal coach I can guide you concerning your professional and personal issues – on an equal level, pragmatic and solution-oriented.

As an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy I can also support you in keeping your sound being and to overcome psychological challenges.

The fundaments of my work are 25 years of professional experience in business as executive staff, business consultant, trainer and coach, as well as my qualification as alternative practitioner for psychotherapy.

Client Feedbacks:

I have been lucky enough to work with Mechtild over a number of months. What started as way to improve on my work ended up with new ways on improving myself first of all and to finally understand what I need from a professional point of view in order to feel complete as a person. Mechtild has been much more than a coach, she’s been a perfect sparring partner for new ideas, new ways of identifying my needs and my desires as well as focusing my energies in a right direction. As a person with severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) I normally find it hard to focus for longer amount of times but this never happened in our discussions. Mechtild is a great listener, analyst and a great incubator for ideas and new ways of doing things. I know that our time together will have a great impact over the immediate and long term work and life decisions that I will make. Thank you.

International Sales Manager, Blue Chip Company

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I worked with Ms Julius in coaching sessions to enhance a dimension in my leadership. I found the time we spent together very valuable. I enjoyed the systematical analysis to understand what were my limitations before and how I can overcome those by employing useful tools and practices. I strongly believe that what I learnt I can not only make my professional life more successful and efficient, but will have positive impact on my general work-life balance.

International Manager Blue Chip Company, Eastern Europe

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After just 10 hours of coaching with Mrs. Julius, I now lead a much more satisfied life. I am astonished about things that bothered me for a long time, are now much easier to cope with. I received many good advices and tools which I now use regularly for myself. I have become much more positive and satisfied with myself. I have already received positive development feedbacks from my boss and my colleagues. I am raving everywhere about these great coaching sessions.

Corporate Manager, age 35, single mother

It was clear to me after the initial coaching session with Mrs. Julius, that I can’t go on like this and that I have to definitely look for a new job. Mrs. Julius and I thoroughly analyzed and clearly visualized my overall situation. Since then I am able to have a good night’s sleep again and I feel less distressed. We are currently working on my personal strengths and development potentials, which I now see clearly. We are also developing a strategy in our coaching sessions for my professional reorientation. Coaching gives me confidence in my future.

Corporate Manager, age 37, father of 2 children

more feedbacks

Are you stuck?

Sie stecken fest? Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.
Sie wollen neue Wege gehen? Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.

Or are you discovering
completely new paths?

It is my pleasure to support you – by coaching, psychological guidance and psychotherapy

Ich unterstütze Sie gern - durch Coaching, Psychologische Beratung und Psychotherapie. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.
Das Adlerprinzip:Klarheit-Träumen-Kräfte sammeln-Fliegen. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.

… with the 4-Steps-Eagle-Principle.

Since 20 years I have been
guiding clients on their personal paths …

Seit 20 Jahren begleite ich Menschen auf Ihrem individuellen Weg. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.
Seit 20 Jahren begleite ich Menschen auf Ihrem individuellen Weg. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.

…professional, experienced, competent and discrete.

Don’t lose time …

Verlieren Sie keine Zeit. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.
Lernen wir uns kennen. Mechtild Julius MJ Beratung, Privatpraxis in Bonn.

… and make an appointment
for a personal consultation.